

 Assalamualaikum, everyone! In the UK, where I live, Maghrib time is getting early and it’s become so cold that you can see your own breath outside. Even when I am doing housework, my hands can become numb with cold without heating! But Alhamdulillah, this made me think about the wife’s role in Islam, so I’d like to talk about “Wives in Islam”. 

夫の条件はムスリムでなければならないということでしたが、妻の場合は少し異なります。 女性はムスリマ、または啓典の民(ユダヤ教徒・キリスト教徒)であることが条件づけられています。

 In Islam, the husband must be a Muslim, but for wives, it’s a little different. The wife must be Muslim, Jewish or Christian, believing in her religion. 

ちなみに多神教との信者とは結婚は禁じられているという点は男女ともに共通しています。 聖クルアーンではこのように記されています。


the husband and wife have a common point that we cannot get married to polytheists. The Quran states 

 “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember. “ (2:221)  


As the husband fulfils his duty of supporting his wife and children as a breadwinner, the wife has a responsibilities to support him in many ways. For their children, she also has an important role because she spends much more time with them compared to the father. So, Islam encourages Muslim men to choose devout Muslim women. 

ところで、イスラームでよくイメージされることは一夫多妻制です。 一夫多妻制についてクルアーンではどのように記されているでしょうか。 

 While we’re on the topic, I think people associate polygyny with marriage in Islam. What does the Quran states about polygyny in Islam? 

『あなたがたがもし孤児に対し、公正にしてやれそうにもないならば、あなたがたがよいと思う2人、3人または4人の女を娶れ。だが公平にしてやれそうにもないならば、只一人だけ(娶るか)、またはあなたがたの右手が所有するもの(奴隷の女)で我慢しておきなさい。このことは不公正をさけるため 、もっと公正である。』(第4章2節‐3節)
 “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].” (4:2-3)
“And you will never be able to be equal [in feeling] between wives, even if you should strive [to do so]. So do not incline completely [toward one] and leave another hanging. And if you amend [your affairs] and fear Allah - then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:129) 

このようにイスラームでは最高で4人の妻を持つことを許していますが、公平に扱うことを条件にしています。実際には、女性を経済面だけでなく、愛情面など多くの点で公平に扱うことは難しいですよね。この制度は昔、戦争などで数多くの男性が亡くなり、結婚相手がいなくなってしまった女性や夫を失った寡婦の方を支えるためのものでした。孤児のように家族を失い、経済的に一人で生活が困難な女性たちがこのような状況でも結婚でき、飢えをしのぐことができたのです。 今日、女性が経済的に自立できるような機会が増えています。そのため、現在のイスラーム社会では複数の妻がいる男性は稀です。 

So, although Islam allows men to have 4 wives, Allah gives us to the conditions that they have to be equal between wives. In fact, it’s very difficult to take care of them equally in terms of maintenance, time, finances, affection and emotional support. This was introduced to help support women, as in previous times, incidents such as war would lead to a huge decrease in number of men for women to marry, and many married women became widows. These women, those who did not have much family and could not financially support themselves (such as orphans), were still able to get married and avoid suffering poverty. Nowadays, as there are more opportunities for women to support themselves. So in Islamic societies now, it’s rare for Muslim men to have more than one wife. 


Since the families are the base of society, the husband should do his best for the wife and children and make time with family important. The wife should also support her husband as he strives hard for the family. In Shaa Allah.  


HALAL LIFE JAPANは日本に住むムスリム/ノンムスリムに イスラム/ハラールの情報を発信しております。 SALAM SHOPはムスリムの方に安心してしてお買い物いただける総合ショッピングサイトです。