



Assalamualiakum. Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. I am Arisa from Japan. In my column, I will introduce many aspects of Muslims’ marriage. 


Alhamdulillah, I am also married and I feel that a Muslim couple’s marriage has so much happiness to it. This is my first column, so I would like to explain the islamic thinking behind marriage.  

ー イスラームにおいて、結婚は強く奨励されています。結婚をして、家庭を築くことは、精神的・肉体的な健全さのバランスを守り、人間としての心の安らぎや幸せを増やし、信仰の安定を図るためにとても大切なことであると考えられています。 

 In Islam, getting married is strongly encouraged. We, as Muslims, think that it’s very good to get married and make our own family, as it allows us to keep our health in good balance mentally and physically, increases feelings of peace and happiness as a human, and helps stabilise our faith.  



As the Quran states about marriage, 

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. “ (30:21)  

日本でも「運命の相手」と結婚相手について表現することがあると思いますが、 ムスリムにとって配偶者はアッラーからの「ギフト」であり、結婚は恵みです。 結婚生活で起こる様々な出来事に対し、夫婦が共に耐え忍び、協力しあって乗り越え、お互いに誠実で尊敬しあうような関係が望まれています。 

In Japan, we refer to our husbands and wives as ‘the one’. As Muslims, our husbands and wives are gifts from Allah and marriage is a blessing. The most desirable relationship is that of marriage, where husband and wife endure hardships together, overcome difficulties by cooperating with each other, and being sincere and respecting each other. 



That’s all for this time. Stay tune on next column. 


HALAL LIFE JAPANは日本に住むムスリム/ノンムスリムに イスラム/ハラールの情報を発信しております。 SALAM SHOPはムスリムの方に安心してしてお買い物いただける総合ショッピングサイトです。